Fiery Tale — 2nd Episode
The second story of my history of house fire 🔥
I write this not to ask for pity. I write this for myself or might be for my future self, as a self-reminder. So I don’t care whether you’re reading it or not. For those of you who are interested, hope you can get something after reading it — even tho I don’t even know why 😂
Two weeks ago, my house burnt down in a housefire incident. It happened at 11 PM. It’s a second time for me. It also happened to my house when I was in 7th grade. Back then, I was at school and just got the news. This time is different. I’ve experienced it myself. I saw the chaos in the neighborhood, intense atmosphere, and sorrowful faces.
As soon as we noticed the fire, without thinking — we grabbed our belongings that we deemed precious. For me, it was my laptop, both personal and work-related laptops. I left my jackets, a university jacket, and a company jacket. My basketball jerseys, the only one remaining high school jersey.
We pray that the fire will go down soon. Unfortunately, we got the news that the fire already consumed our house. It happened so fast. One moment you’re praying so that your house will stay safe, one moment it was gone. Last night you slept in it, now you can’t. It’s like a snap, just like that. There is no processing time, there are no steps to follow, there is no cue. It just happened and it happened in a flash.
Of course, all we feel are sadness — but it’s only for a brief moment. There is no single teardrop until I’m writing this right now. It’s different from the first incident. I remember when it first happened to me, I cried on the motorbike when going to one of our relative’s house. I don’t know why. Maybe we’ve grown up — or maybe because we’ve already experienced it once before — or maybe because not all of our belongings are gone — or maybe because it’s not our actual house(rent house) — or maybe because all of our important documents are safe and sound in the safety box. Whatever it is, I don’t really care. What we do after that is we quickly determine what we must do amidst this incident.
On one side, it seems like a sad story. On the other side, I perceive this as an opportunity. With the burndown of the house, it’s also a chance for us to start everything from zero, to start fresh. This is me not trying to stay strong, I genuinely feel so! I feel like God is saying to us: “Alright people, it’s time to change! You guys just need a little push. Trust me on this”. Somehow I still believe it, cause the first incident made me believe so. Maybe that what’s keeping me sane til now… maybe.
This incident suddenly reminded of a famous quote:
“The good thing when you hit rock bottom is you can’t go any lower, the only direction is to go up”
Hopefully, we could rise even better from the “ashes”. Hope the new direction will pave the way.
Thoughts and prayers 🙏